Here are my favorite things to do to get out of a rut! Don’t forget to watch these tips in action on our YouTube video, too. We’re not experts on the matter, so we always recommend talking to the pros for the best advice. This post contains affiliate links, which may lead to a small commission if purchased. This comes at no extra cost to you. Thanks!
Simple & Effective Things To Do To Get Out Of A Rut
We can all be glad that 2020 is just about over, right? Between being isolated from friends/family and locked inside, getting “into a rut” has been all too easy in 2020. I find myself in ruts frequently enough, in fact, that I’m developing a pretty effective way of getting out. Here are 9 things I do to get out of a rut and get back to productivity.
Making Realistic Goals
These things to do to get out of a rut aren’t meant to be the most productive actions you can take, but I find that they are the most realistic actions that kick-start productivity. For example, I wouldn’t list “clean out a closet” as one of the things to do to get out of a rut. Of course, if you have the energy, go for it! But when I’m feeling unproductive, large tasks just make me want to hide under the covers all the more. Rather, these are things to do to get out of a rut that are a lot less likely to feel overwhelming. I hope they help!
9 Easy Things To Do To Get Out Of A Rut
- Order healthy groceries online
- Play some cheerful & centering music
- Make a “dream” to-do list
- Fresh juice or smoothie
- Spend time outside
- Work up a sweat
- Create your own spa day
- Put away social media & screens
- Make a gratitude list
Let’s break them down a little more!
Order Healthy Groceries Online
Of course, nutrition and hydration are paramount to preventing unproductive spells in the first place. However, by the time we get to this point, there’s a good chance we don’t have much healthy food in the house. Since even grocery shopping can seem like a daunting task, I always start by ordering healthy groceries online. This pre-planned meal calendar is the one I use for healthy, delicious meal ideas. I use Walmart Grocery Pickup to order groceries, and I have not been disappointed by the curbside experience to date!
Click here to save $10 on your first Walmart Grocery Pickup order!
Play Cheerful & Centering Music
Music can have such a major effect on mood & productivity. One of the quickest things to do to get out of a rut is to turn on the right playlist. We all have our “go-to” genres and playlists, but I find that most of the time, mine aren’t hugely helpful with productivity. Here are a few of my favorite go-to music playlists for spurring productivity these days. (Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.)
- Cafe Jazz
- Relaxing Lo-Fi
- General Focus
Make A “Dream” To-Do List
Writing down a to-do list is one of the most effective things to do to get out of a rut. However, an unproductive mind in control can prevent even this from happening. I like to write down a “dream” to-do list. This is a list that would all be complete if I could just snap my fingers. Then, once I have even the most daunting tasks down, I try to pick just one or two things that I will accomplish today. Usually, when I get started on the easiest things, I become much more motivated to tackle the tasks that were too challenging for me to fathom when I first wrote the list.
Fresh Juice or Smoothie
Like I mentioned above, nutrition is so key for productivity! One of my most fail proof things to do to get out of a rut is to give my body a serious shot of nutrition. This usually includes as many leafy greens as possible. In the past I’ve done this by making a spinach smoothie. But lately, Ian and I have started drinking fresh-squeezed beet juice, and we are LOVING the effects. Here is what I put in my beet juice every morning.
Beet Juice Recipe
- 2 beets (including the greens!)
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1-2 handfuls of spinach
- 1 lemon
- 1 nub of ginger
- 1 green apple
- 2 stalks of celery
But you can use whatever you have on hand! This always leaves me feeling fresh, energized, and ready to tackle the day.
Spend Time Outside
It’s amazing what a few minutes outside will do for the soul. When I’m looking for things to do to get out of a rut, I like to spend time outside in a few different ways. Going out and visiting our chickens always brings a smile to my face. Walking the dogs is another favorite of mine. It refreshes my soul and the pups’! A little sunlight and fresh air can work wonders for getting out of an unproductive rut.
Work Up A Sweat
For most people, getting a work out in will be one of the best things to do to get out of a rut. I have to be a little careful with working out in a rut, because I have a bad habit of overdoing it in the gym (I go pretty much every day), and then exhausting myself even more for the rest of the day. I’m pretty awful at moderating with weightlifting. However, a truly moderate workout is a great way to lift the mental fog. I use our Assault Bike for about 40 minutes for a moderate workout and increased energy.
Create Your Own Spa Day
I’m not much of a beauty/self care shopper, so I use FabFitFun to keep me in a healthy stock of self care items. I’ve used it for years, and I seriously love it. One of the most enjoyable (and affordable!) things to do to get out of a rut is a DIY spa day. A hot bath with a fizzy bath bomb and a candle is a great place to start. From there, face masks, microdermabrasion creams, lotions, and/or oils can be used. Don’t forget a refreshing tea!
Click here to get a free mini box if you’re a new FabFitFun subscriber!
Put Away Social Media & Screens
This is the hardest one for me. Over time, I’ve realized that social media and screens have a serious negative impact on physical and mental health. (No duh, right?) Even a couple hours scrolling on screens can be enough to completely stop any productive work. Getting intentional about putting away social media and screens is one of the best things to do to get out of a rut. Plain and simple.
Make A Gratitude List
I know how cheesy this sounds. But out of all the things to do to get out of a rut, making a gratitude list is one of the few that many people have never tried. A gratitude list can be in any form, but the key is writing down things you are grateful for. Think of as many things as you can. You may be amazed at how much it lifts your spirits and motivates you to work.

Getting Out Of A Rut & Back To Productivity
I know how much it stinks to be in an unproductive rut. But being productive doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to start doing chores! Once I realized this, it became much easier to target things to do to get out of a rut. These small, actionable, and even enjoyable steps are a great way to kick-start yourself out of a funk, and regain mental clarity.
What are some of your favorite things to do to get out of a rut?